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WHAT ARE WE TO KNOW? We are to know: • What Ebola Virus Disease is:
• How to Recognize Ebola Virus Disease
• How Ebola is Spread
• Category of people at risk
• What to do if Ebola is suspected • Role of teachers, parents, communities, and
• Efforts of government so far
• Proper hand washing demonstration
• Demonstration on using sanitizers
• Demonstration on using infra red thermometers WHAT IS EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE? • EVD is a disease caused by a virus which
attacks the body system leading to bleeding from
body openings.
• It is highly severe and life threatening disease
which manifests between 2-21 days after contact
with an infected person • It kills nine out ten infected people if left
• There is currently no acceptable/effective
drugs or vaccines for treatment of Ebola. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF EBOLA • First identified in 1976 near Ebola river in the
congo and named after the river
• Mortality rates of outbreak is from 50-90%
• Current global outbreak started in April, 2014
in Guinea with mortality rate of 47%
• A member of the Filo virus family that causes highly lethal haemorrhagic fever syndrome CURRENT OUTBREAK STATISTICS • 1st index case was a two year-old child in
Guinea bitten by a fruit bat
• Four countries already affected i.e Guinea,
Liberia, Sierra-Leone and Nigeria
• More than 3,000 people affected with almost
half dead • 1st case in Nigeria was Mr. Thomas Sawyer, a
Liberian-American who came to Nigeria
• Lagos-State and Rivers state reported 18 cases
and two cases respectively with 7deaths and 1
• Health workers are at risk HOW IS EBOLA SPREAD? • Contact with blood, urine, faeces, semen, saliva
or other body excretions from infected person
• Contact with contaminated objects e.g.
beddings, floors, etc. contaminated with infected
human or animal secretions
• Contact with infected animals such as monkeys, bats, baboons and antelopes
• Contact with dead body of an Ebola patients. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM 1? • Not entirely clear, but likely bats WHERE DOES IT COME FROM 2? • Bats may infect other animals WHERE DOES IT COME FROM 3? • Any of these can infect humans NOTE: Ebola is not Air-Borne Virus, You cannot contact/catch Ebola through the Air. Watch out for Part 2.
Stay tuned to WWW.FREETEENZ.XTGEM.COM for tips how to prevent Ebola Virus Disease
Parked by Paul Osakue (C.E.O) Freeteenz. Do come online for the upcoming parts.

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